Conseils de vol

Data collection effort, full 3D

For best in class results with full 3D reconstruction, we recommend the following:

  • 60% overlap nadir flight

  • 70-80% overlap 45-degree gimbal angle cross-grid

The 45-degree cross-grid flight provides the basis for a fully tied together model, while the nadir flights provide the necessary texture for orthophoto texturing. The lower overlap meets the minimum requirement for orthophoto products as facilitated by by feature matching from the much higher overlap cross-grid.

Data collection effort, 2D and 2.5D products

For best in class results 2D and 2.5D products, we recommend the following:

  • 70-80% overlap slightly off-nadir (5-10 degree off nadir)

For more complex buildings and vegetation, aim for closer to 80-83% overlap. If buildings, vegetation, and terrain changes are not complex, it’s quite feasible to use closer to 70% overlap.

(credit: derived from ongoing conversations with Ivan Gayton, Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team)

Other resources on flying

L’équipe humanitaire d’OpenStreetMap a des directives sur le vol pour la cartographie des UAV :

Ces lignes directrices sont destinées aux projets de cartographie avec drones sur les îles, mais leur utilisation est généralisée à tous les cartographes avec drones.

Voir aussi le guide de DroneDeploy sur « Making Successful Maps », qui donne de bons conseils sur la planification des missions.

Finally, lens distortion is a challenge in projects requiring accurate 3D data. See our section in these docs on Camera Calibration.

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