OpenDroneMap Outputs

Listed below are some of the useful outputs ODM produces.

Point Cloud

odm_georeferencing/odm_georeferenced_model.ply/laz/csv – The georeferenced point cloud in different file formats

image of OpenDroneMap derived point cloud

Point cloud over State University Zanzibar, courtesy of Khadija Abdullah Ali

3D Textured Model

odm_texturing/odm_textured_model.obj – The textured surface mesh odm_texturing/odm_textured_model_geo.obj – The georeferenced and textured surface mesh

You can access the point cloud and textured meshes using MeshLab. Open MeshLab, and choose File:Import Mesh and choose your textured mesh from a location similar to the following: odm_texturing\odm_textured_model.obj

image of OpenDroneMap derived textured mesh

Textured mesh courtesy of OpenDroneMap


odm_orthophoto/odm_orthphoto.tif – GeoTIFF Orthophoto. You can use it in QGIS as a raster layer.

odm_orthophoto/odm_orthphoto.original.tif – The orthophoto in its original un-cropped state.

image of OpenDroneMap orthophoto

Orthophoto over State University Zanzibar, courtesy of Khadija Abdullah Ali


DTM/DSM will only be created if the --dtm or --dsm options are used. See tutorial on elevation models for more options in creating.

Data will be stored in:

  • odm_dem/dtm.tif

  • odm_dem/dsm.tif

image of OpenDroneMap derived digital surface model

Digital surface model over State University Zanzibar, courtesy of Khadija Abdullah Ali


Logs are output to stdout. On Linux ANSI escape color code (eg ^[[39m) is used and could be disabled by setting no_ansiesc environment variable to any value like env no_ansiesc=1

List of all outputs

├── images/
│   ├── img-1234.jpg
│   └── ...
├── opensfm/                            # Tie Points and camera positions here in JSON format
│   ├── config.yaml
│   ├── images/
│   ├── masks/
│   ├── gcp_list.txt
│   ├── metadata/
│   ├── features/
│   ├── matches/
│   ├── tracks.csv
│   ├── reconstruction.json
│   ├── reconstruction.meshed.json
│   ├── undistorted/
│   ├── undistorted_tracks.json
│   ├── undistorted_reconstruction.json
│   └── depthmaps/
│      └── merged.ply                   # Dense Point Cloud
├── odm_meshing/
│   ├── odm_mesh.ply                    # A 3D mesh
│   └── odm_meshing_log.txt             # Output of the meshing task. May point out errors.
├── odm_texturing/
│   ├── odm_textured_model.obj          # Textured mesh
│   ├── odm_textured_model_geo.obj      # Georeferenced textured mesh
│   └── texture_N.jpg                   # Associated textured images used by the model
├── odm_georeferencing/
│   ├── odm_georeferenced_model.ply     # A georeferenced dense point cloud
│   ├── odm_georeferenced_model.laz # LAZ format point cloud
│   ├── odm_georeferenced_model.csv     # XYZ format point cloud
│   ├── odm_georeferencing_log.txt      # Georeferencing log
│   └── odm_georeferencing_utm_log.txt  # Log for the extract_utm portion
├── odm_orthophoto/
│   ├── odm_orthophoto.png              # Orthophoto image (no coordinates)
│   ├── odm_orthophoto.tif              # Orthophoto GeoTiff
│   ├── odm_orthophoto_log.txt          # Log file
│   └── gdal_translate_log.txt          # Log for georeferencing the png file
└── odm_dem/
    ├── dsm.tif                     # Digital Surface Model Geotiff - the tops of everything
    └── dtm.tif                     # Digital Terrain Model Geotoff - the ground.

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