Welcome to OpenDroneMap’s documentation
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The documentation is available in several languages. Some translations are incomplete and will still display in English. The below languages are at least 20 percent translated. You can help us translate those languages (and other languages!) via Transifex. There is a getting started guide on GitHub.
- Tutorials
- Options and Flags
- 3d-tiles
- align
- auto-boundary
- auto-boundary-distance
- bg-removal
- boundary
- build-overviews
- camera-lens
- cameras
- cog
- copy-to
- crop
- debug
- dem-decimation
- dem-euclidean-map
- dem-gapfill-steps
- dem-resolution
- depthmap-resolution
- dsm
- dtm
- end-with
- fast-orthophoto
- feature-quality
- feature-type
- force-gps
- gcp
- geo
- gltf
- gps-accuracy
- help
- ignore-gsd
- matcher-neighbors
- matcher-order
- matcher-type
- max-concurrency
- merge
- mesh-octree-depth
- mesh-size
- min-num-features
- name
- no-gpu
- optimize-disk-space
- orthophoto-compression
- orthophoto-cutline
- orthophoto-kmz
- orthophoto-no-tiled
- orthophoto-png
- orthophoto-resolution
- pc-classify
- pc-copc
- pc-csv
- pc-ept
- pc-filter
- pc-geometric
- pc-las
- pc-quality
- pc-rectify
- pc-sample
- pc-skip-geometric
- pc-tile
- primary-band
- project-path
- radiometric-calibration
- rerun
- rerun-all
- rerun-from
- resize-to
- rolling-shutter
- rolling-shutter-readout
- sfm-algorithm
- sfm-no-partial
- skip-3dmodel
- skip-band-alignment
- skip-orthophoto
- skip-report
- sky-removal
- sm-cluster
- sm-no-align
- smrf-scalar
- smrf-slope
- smrf-threshold
- smrf-window
- split
- split-image-groups
- split-overlap
- texturing-data-term
- texturing-keep-unseen-faces
- texturing-outlier-removal-type
- texturing-single-material
- texturing-skip-global-seam-leveling
- texturing-skip-local-seam-leveling
- texturing-tone-mapping
- tiles
- time
- use-3dmesh
- use-exif
- use-fixed-camera-params
- use-hybrid-bundle-adjustment
- verbose
- version
- video-limit
- video-resolution
- Flowchart with options
- OpenDroneMap Outputs
- Ground Control Points
- Map accuracy
- Image Geolocation Files
- Alignment Files
- Using Image Masks
- Splitting Large Datasets
- Additional References
- Flying Tips
- Multispectral Support
- Thermal Support
- How To Request Features
- How To Contribute
- Frequently Asked Questions