Consejos de vuelo

Data collection effort, full 3D

For best in class results with full 3D reconstruction, we recommend the following:

  • 60% overlap nadir flight

  • 70-80% overlap 45-degree gimbal angle cross-grid

The 45-degree cross-grid flight provides the basis for a fully tied together model, while the nadir flights provide the necessary texture for orthophoto texturing. The lower overlap meets the minimum requirement for orthophoto products as facilitated by by feature matching from the much higher overlap cross-grid.

Data collection effort, 2D and 2.5D products

For best in class results 2D and 2.5D products, we recommend the following:

  • 70-80% overlap slightly off-nadir (5-10 degree off nadir)

For more complex buildings and vegetation, aim for closer to 80-83% overlap. If buildings, vegetation, and terrain changes are not complex, it’s quite feasible to use closer to 70% overlap.

(credit: derived from ongoing conversations with Ivan Gayton, Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team)

Other resources on flying

El Equipo humanitario de OpenStreetMap tiene pautas para volar para UAV mapping:

Las pautas estan diseñadas para proyectos de mapeo con drones en islas, pero tienen usos generales para todo tipo de mapeo con drones.

Revisa tambien la guia de DroneDeploy Haciendo mapas exitosos, esta guia provee excelentes tips para planear misiones.

Finalmente, la distorsión de la lente es un desafío en proyectos que requieren datos 3D precisos. Consulte nuestra sección en estos documentos sobre Camera Calibration.

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