Image Geolocation Files

By default ODM will use the GPS information embedded in the images, if it is available. Sometimes images do not contain GPS information, or a user wishes to override the information with more accurate data (such as RTK).

Starting from ODM 2.0 people can supply an image geolocation file (geo) for this purpose.

The format of the image geolocation file is simple.

  • The first line should contain the name of the projection used for the geo coordinates. This can be specified either as a PROJ string (e.g. +proj=utm +zone=10 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs), EPSG code (e.g. EPSG:4326) or as a WGS84 UTM <zone>[N|S] value (eg. WGS84 UTM 16N)

  • Subsequent lines are the image filename, X, Y & Z (optional) coordinates, the camera angles (optional, currently used only for radiometric calibration) and the horizontal/vertical accuracy (optional):

  • Camera angles can be set to 0 if they are not available.

  • The 10th column (optional) can contain extra fields, such as a label.

File format:

image_name geo_x geo_y [geo_z] [omega (degrees)] [phi (degrees)] [kappa (degrees)] [horz accuracy (meters)] [vert accuracy (meters)] [extras...]


DJI_0028.JPG    -91.9942096111111   46.84252125 198.609
DJI_0032.JPG    -91.9938293055556   46.8424584444444    198.609

If you supply a file called geo.txt then ODM will automatically detect it. If it has another name you can specify using --geo <path>.

The geo.txt file must be created in the base of your project folder.

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