Selamat datang di dokumentasi OpenDroneMap
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The documentation is available in several languages. Some translations are incomplete and will still display in English. The below languages are at least 20 percent translated. You can help us translate those languages (and other languages!) via Transifex. There is a getting started guide on GitHub.

- Tutorial
- Membuat Ortofoto Kualitas Tinggi
- Membuat Model Elevasi Digital
- Using Potree 3D viewer module on WebODM
- Measuring stockpile volume
- Menggunakan Docker
- Menggunakan ODM dari lokasi bandwidth rendah
- Advanced
- Opsi dan Bendera
- 3d-tiles
- align
- auto-boundary
- auto-boundary-distance
- bg-removal
- boundary
- build-overviews
- camera-lens
- cameras
- cog
- copy-to
- crop
- debug
- dem-decimation
- dem-euclidean-map
- dem-gapfill-steps
- dem-resolution
- depthmap-resolution
- dsm
- dtm
- end-with
- fast-orthophoto
- feature-quality
- feature-type
- force-gps
- gcp
- geo
- gltf
- gps-accuracy
- help
- ignore-gsd
- matcher-neighbors
- matcher-order
- matcher-type
- max-concurrency
- merge
- mesh-octree-depth
- mesh-size
- min-num-features
- name
- no-gpu
- optimize-disk-space
- orthophoto-compression
- orthophoto-cutline
- orthophoto-kmz
- orthophoto-no-tiled
- orthophoto-png
- orthophoto-resolution
- pc-classify
- pc-copc
- pc-csv
- pc-ept
- pc-filter
- pc-geometric
- pc-las
- pc-quality
- pc-rectify
- pc-sample
- pc-skip-geometric
- pc-tile
- primary-band
- project-path
- radiometric-calibration
- rerun
- rerun-all
- rerun-from
- resize-to
- rolling-shutter
- rolling-shutter-readout
- sfm-algorithm
- sfm-no-partial
- skip-3dmodel
- skip-band-alignment
- skip-orthophoto
- skip-report
- sky-removal
- sm-cluster
- sm-no-align
- smrf-scalar
- smrf-slope
- smrf-threshold
- smrf-window
- split
- split-image-groups
- split-overlap
- texturing-data-term
- texturing-keep-unseen-faces
- texturing-outlier-removal-type
- texturing-single-material
- texturing-skip-global-seam-leveling
- texturing-skip-local-seam-leveling
- texturing-tone-mapping
- tiles
- time
- use-3dmesh
- use-exif
- use-fixed-camera-params
- use-hybrid-bundle-adjustment
- verbose
- version
- video-limit
- video-resolution
- Flowchart with options
- Keluaran OpenDroneMap
- High Precision Workflows
- Multispectral and Thermal
- Large Datasets
- Kiat Menerbangkan
- How to Contribute and Request Features
- Frequently Asked Questions and Additional Resources