####################### Image Geolocation Files ####################### By default ODM will use the GPS information embedded in the images, if it is available. Sometimes images do not contain GPS information, or a user wishes to override the information with more accurate data (such as RTK). Starting from ODM ``2.0`` people can supply an image geolocation file (geo) for this purpose. The format of the image geolocation file is simple. * The first line should contain the name of the projection used for the geo coordinates. This can be specified either as a PROJ string (e.g. ``+proj=utm +zone=10 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs``), EPSG code (e.g. ``EPSG:4326``) or as a ``WGS84 UTM [N|S]`` value (eg. ``WGS84 UTM 16N``) * Subsequent lines are the image filename, X, Y & Z (optional) coordinates, the camera angles (optional, currently used only for radiometric calibration) and the horizontal/vertical accuracy (optional): * Camera angles can be set to ``0`` if they are not available. * The 10th column (optional) can contain extra fields, such as a label. File format:: image_name geo_x geo_y [geo_z] [yaw (degrees)] [pitch (degrees)] [roll (degrees)] [horz accuracy (meters)] [vert accuracy (meters)] [extras...] ... Example:: EPSG:4326 DJI_0028.JPG -91.9942096111111 46.84252125 198.609 DJI_0032.JPG -91.9938293055556 46.8424584444444 198.609 If you supply a file called ``geo.txt`` then ODM will automatically detect it. If it has another name you can specify using ``--geo ``. The ``geo.txt`` file must be created in the base of your project folder. `Learn to edit `_ and help improve `this page `_!